
Say NO to genetic diseases

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Say NO to genetic diseases



Breed healthy foals

This booklet covers everything you need to know about the most common genetic diseases and how to avoid them.

  • What are the most common genetic diseases?
  • How are they inherited?
  • How do you know if your horse carries a genetic disorder?
  • What do you do if you have a mare or stallion with a genetic disorder?

A concise guide for you to refer to again and again.

Gain access to expert insights and valuable tips by downloading this exclusive ebook. Whether you’re looking to expand your knowledge or find solutions to common challenges, this ebook is the perfect resource. Click the button to get your copy instantly and start exploring valuable content today.

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Avoid the emotional pain of finding out your horse carries a genetic disorder. Get up-to-date information about current genetic diseases and their effects. Be aware of how they can impact your horses to breed purposefully. Understand the mechanisms and genetic implications. With a bonus checklist of known diseases you can refer to over and over.

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27 pages
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